
Funky Vape Magazine Media Pack

Welcome to the Funky Vape Magazine Media Pack! This comprehensive document provides you with all the essential information you need to know about our online magazine, its audience, advertising opportunities, and key statistics. Whether you’re a potential advertiser, partner, or simply interested in collaborating with us, this media pack will give you a deeper understanding of our platform and its potential for your brand.

About Funky Vape Magazine:

Funky Vape Magazine is a leading online publication dedicated to celebrating the vibrant world of vaping. We offer a dynamic platform that showcases the latest trends, flavors, devices, and stories from the global vaping community. With engaging articles, interviews, reviews, and features, Funky Vape captures the essence of vaping as a lifestyle and art form.

Our Audience:

Our audience consists of passionate vaping enthusiasts, ranging from experienced vapers to newcomers. They actively seek out information, inspiration, and innovative products within the vaping industry. Here are some key audience demographics:

  1. Age Group: Primarily between 18-45 years old.
  2. Gender: Predominantly male, but with a significant and growing female readership.
  3. Geographic Reach: A global audience with a strong presence in the United States, Europe, and Asia.
  4. Interests: Vaping, e-liquids, vape devices, DIY e-juice, vaping culture, trends, and innovations.

Website Statistics:

We take pride in the growth and engagement of our online platform. Here are some key statistics that demonstrate the reach and impact of Funky Vape Magazine:

  1. Monthly Page Views: [Insert number]
  2. Monthly Unique Visitors: [Insert number]
  3. Social Media Followers: [Specify social media platforms and number of followers]
  4. Email Subscribers: [Insert number]

Advertising Opportunities:

Funky Vape Magazine offers a range of advertising options to help you effectively promote your brand, products, or services to our engaged audience. Here are some of the advertising opportunities available:

  1. Banner Ads: Display your brand prominently with visually appealing banner ads strategically placed throughout our website. Various ad sizes and positions are available for maximum visibility.
  2. Sponsored Content: Collaborate with our talented team of writers and industry experts to create sponsored articles that feature your brand, products, or services. This allows you to leverage our platform and engage our readers in an authentic way.
  3. Product Features and Reviews: Gain visibility for your vape devices, e-liquids, or accessories through our product features and reviews. Our experienced reviewers provide honest and insightful assessments to help our readers make informed choices.
  4. Exclusive Promotions: Generate excitement and drive traffic to your brand by offering exclusive promotions, discounts, or giveaways to our readers. This creates a buzz and encourages interaction with your products.

Contact Us:

Ready to explore advertising opportunities with Funky Vape Magazine or have further inquiries? Our dedicated advertising team is here to assist you. Get in touch with us using the contact details below:

Email: [email protected]

We look forward to collaborating with you and helping your brand make a funky impact in the vaping industry!


BSc Psychology, University of Birmingham, MSc Clinical Dermatology, University of Hertfordshire Anastasia Filipenko is a health and wellness psychologist, dermatolist and a freelance writer. She frequently covers beauty and skincare, food trends and nutrition, health and fitness and relationships. When she’s not trying out new skincare products, you’ll find her taking a cycling class, doing yoga, reading in the park, or trying a new recipe.